Zest for Opera!
Zest for Opera!
Unleash your Leadership
€ 39,95
Aantal pagina's
13.5 x 21 cm
Dit is een uitgave van Amsterdam University Press Amsterdam University Press


"As a lover of opera, I can warmly recommend this book. Leadership wins by the cross-fertilization of separated worlds. Only in that way inspiration can be created, which makes it possible for leaders to start the search for the holy grail of their domain of expertise. This book tells in an exciting way how opera can help you to find this holy grail". - Jan Jambon, Deputy prime minister and Minister of Security and Home Affairs, Belgian Federal Government

"In the same way as leaders can inspire people, opera can lead to a break out of emotions, which can lead to surprising new insights. This book, written by an engineer, manager and opera-fan, is therefore a recommendation for those who want to get an original look at leadership." - Carmen Cordier, Director BDO Crossroad, Imelda VZW en AllThingsTalk.

"Evolving into a complete work of art, the opera enrolls help from all Muses for celebrating the splendor of exceptional human voices, generating deeper and stronger emotions than any man-made musical instrument. It stimulates us to give new insights in our leadership and coaching of teams." - Andreas Wild, R&D investments Consultant, Former Executive Director of the European Joint Undertaking ECSEL/ENIAC

"Take care! Opera can touch you to the deepest of your soul, it can give you goose bumps until behind your ears, it can turn your world upside down, it can change your life. Opera makes you better. With an unforeseen power. So, take care." - Olivier Goris, Netmanager één - canvas Belgian Television Channels

"Ik heb veel plezier beleefd aan de scherpzinnige operaanalyses vanuit de bijzondere invalshoek van Pype. Op elke bladzij betuigt hij zijn liefde voor opera en daarbij geeft hij ook heel barmhartig dvd-tips bij de behandelde opera's. Je wilt tenslotte zelf zien waar de leider faalt... of had kunnen slagen." - Luister, 2020
U bent doorverwezen vanaf de website van Amsterdam University Press. Dit boek wordt geleverd door Walburg Pers.

Patrick Pype

Zest for Opera!

Unleash your Leadership

Opera is food for the soul. At its best, opera can hold up a mirror to society. Opera invites us to approach rational thinking from a different perspective. It puts the notions of body, mind and soul in a totally different, more organic and humanist constellation. Patrick Pype's conviction in relation to this potential has offered him decisive insights into how to act in business. For him, the protagonists in the operas of Mozart, Verdi, Wagner, Janacek = are inspiring models of leadership. Their behaviour helps him to empower us to become more empathic, lucid, fair and inspirational leaders.

Patrick Pype

De auteur is burgerlijk ingenieur (K.U.Leuven) en behaalde tevens een MBA aan dezelfde universiteit. Hij kan terugblikken op 30 jaar bedrijfservaring (IMEC, CoWare (oprichter), Philips, NXP). Hij heeft teams opgericht en geleid in Europa (BE, NL), de VS (Silicon Valley), Azië (India, Singapore). Momenteel is hij verantwoordelijk voor strategische Europese R&D programma's bij NXP. Daarnaast is hij een Operaliefhebber. Hij is Lid van de Raad van Bestuur van de "Vlaamse Wagnervereniging vzw" en free-lance recensent van opera-producties. Beide passies komen in dit boek samen.